Coffee – What does the Cinnamon in the coffee turn into


I few years ago I put Cinnamon in my coffee. After a few hours (I'm a slow coffee drinker) I started to take my last sip and a big clump of mucus hit my tongue and I almost puked. After recovering, and almost getting into fist fights with several co-workers (They loved pulling pranks) a few of them said cinnamon always does that. I'm still not so sure? What is up with Cinnamon and coffee and are there any other spices that does that? Or should I have continue to punch my co-workers?

Best Answer

Cinnamaldehyde, the compound that gives cinnamon its flavor, is known to cause inflammation in mucous membranes (

It's also mildly water soluble. So, when you made your coffee it was probably diluted enough that it didn't cause a problem. As it sat out, it probably fell out of the solution and settled in the bottom of your cup in a more concentrated form.