Cookies – Why do the Eisenhower Cookies turn out flat


This was my mother's recipe that my sisters and I have made several years. They use to work now they go flat. We are going nuts trying to figure out why. Any suggestion would be welcomed.

Eisenhower Cookies (really a ginger spice cookie)

2 cubes of margarine
1 cup and 3 tbsp sugar
1 well beaten egg
2 cups of flour (after sifting)
1 tsp cinammon
1 tsp ginger
2 tsp of baking soda
2 small pinch of salt
4 tbsp of yellow label molasses

Make into balls, roll in sugar, bake at 350 for about 10 minutes, depending on oven.

Best Answer

Have you tried using fresh baking soda? I really don't see anything else that could be off here, especially if the recipe has worked well in the past.