French Cuisine – How to Cook Chicken Galantine in Stock? Traditional Techniques for Cooking Galantine


All the recipes I have seen for a Galantine just cooks the prepared chicken in an oven pan. What would you generally expect from the Galantine if it was cooked in chicken or vegetable stock?

Best Answer

Although many recipes call for roasting, poaching is actually the traditional way to make it. Cooking it gently helps keep it juicy, and cooks the filling without over-cooking the delicate chicken breast.

Many recipes call for it to be tightly wrapped in plastic wrap, kind of an improvised sous vide. That prevents the filling from leaking out into the water, and keeps the galantine from falling apart. If you want to imbue it with flavorful poaching liquid, you might want to wrap it in cheesecloth, to ensure structural integrity.

A couple of example recipes from teh intarwebz: