Do garlic keeper jars have any tangible preservation benefit


This question got me thinking about "garlic keepers" or "garlic jars" which are a gift item in the US and probably elsewhere (see photo). My question is:

Do garlic keepers actually provide any measurable benefit in garlic preservation, longevity, flavor while ageing, or other storage factors?

My belief has always been "no", but I'm willing to be persuaded based on evidence. Ideally, this would take the form of an article citation or personal head-to-head test (pun intended).

(I've done some searching on this topic, and all of the accounts of the benefits I've found come from garlic keeper makers, which are therefore not trustworthy)

picture of typtical ceramic garlic jar

Best Answer

No citation, so not a 'real' answer; but common sense would say, "It's got air holes & it's dark" which makes it better than a sealed jar or glass jar.

Whether it's better than the cellar, outhouse or salad crisper in your average modern fridge… well, it looks pretty ;-)