Do I need to rip the leaves off mint


I enjoy putting a bunch of mint leaves into my salads, but I'm lazy and I get bored tearing the leaves off the stems to put into my salad. I am tempted to take the entire bunch of mint and chop it up, stalks and all.

Can I get away with this shortcut? Is this a bad idea? Will the stems be too "woody" or bitter and mess up the taste or texture?

Best Answer

You probably don't need to remove the stalks from the leaves, especially for young plants. However, the older and stronger the stalk becomes, the less appetizing it will be, in my opinion.

To rip the leaves off easily, especially with thicker/sturdier stalks, just start at the top of the stalk and firmly pinch it. Then, run your fingers down the stalk, while pulling the stalk in the opposite direction with your other hand. The leaves should usually come off with minimal resistance. Once you have only the leaves, you can discard the stalk.