Do to use Revere Ware copper bottom pots on a glass cooktop


Only after my new GE Profile cooktop was installed did I read the owner's manual which recommended that I not use copper-bottom pots on it.

Is there anything I can do so I can still use my Revere Ware pots? Would a heat diffuser work?

I am more afraid of ruining my cooktop than my pots so I would like a solution that will not compromise my cooktop in anyway.

Best Answer

I'm somewhat confused by your question, as GE appears to recommend copper-bottom cookware. At least if I've grabbed the right manual, lacking a model number.

Selecting types of cookware for radiant glass cooktop models

Note the word recommended right below "copper bottom". Though they do warn you that you have to be diligent cleaning any residues left and not allowing cookware to overheat. (Though, depending on the thickness of that copper bottom, you may find that stainless with an aluminum disc is actually better cookware, and fairly cheap.)