Does cooking wine go bad like regular wine


I bought some cooking wine last week and made a delicious meal with it. I only used half a bottle, so the other half is still in my pantry.

I know that regular wine goes bad after about a day where as regular alcohol (rum, scotch, etc) doesn't really go bad at all.

I looked on the bottle to see if it says "keep refrigerated", "expires after opening", etc… and there's nothing of the sort.

Will that wine go bad, and if so, how fast?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Generally... not as quickly. The salt content of the wine is much higher than drinking wine, which will preserve it longer. It will still "go bad" eventually. (Going bad is more a decrease in quality. It will still be edible, but unpleasant. It won't make you sick, except by the bad taste!)

See this from a Wikipedia Article: "Cooking wine typically available in North America is treated with salt as a preservative and food coloring."

So, it's safer than normal wine, but I'd try and use it soon. The sooner, the better.