Does it matter if I make waffles in a frying pan


I have some waffle batter ready (here is the recipe) but I don't have a waffle iron. Is it okay if I make it the way I make pancakes, by pouring batter in a frying pan?

Best Answer

Sounds like your question is actually whether you can make pancakes with waffle batter. You can certainly give it a try, especially since you already made the batter. Not sure exactly how the texture will turn out, but the ratios are pretty similar to pancake batter so they'll probably be good enough you'll be happy eating them.

They won't be waffles, though. Waffles are defined by their shape, which allows them to cook from both sides at once, getting all the surfaces nice and brown, with plenty of extra surface area from all the holes. If you don't have a waffle iron, you're not going to be able to make them.