Dough – Can i freeze dough without killing the yeast


I want to freeze unbaked dinner rolls. Can I do it after the first rising or the shaping or the second rising or do i have to partially bake them to prevent killing the yeast?

Best Answer

Yeast can definitely survive in the freezer, yet timing for the final rising will be altered by unfreezing.

After several attempts, I found it best to freeze viennoiseries such as croissants, pains au chocolat (croissants leavened puff pastry), pains aux raisins (danish leavened puff pastry) and brioches suisses (small brioches filled with chocolate chips and crème pâtissière) after shaping and before the final rise and coating.

I leave them at room temperature at 10-11pm, directly from the freezer and brush them with dorure (blended eggs) in the morning (6am) while the oven is pre-heating. (I also freeze blended eggs in ice cubes and unfreeze the proper quantity for every batch). This works for a week, not that the yeast dies afterwards but it matches the family consumption rate of these viennoiseries.