Dough – Can you rehydrate phyllo dough


I like eating food with phyllo dough and I like preparing such food. However, phyllo dough is not easily available where I live. The only packages I can find are rather large. I usually use how much I need, then cover it as best as I can and store it air-tight in the freezer for later use. If I thaw and refreeze and rethaw some sheets, they tend to get dry.

Even just working with non-frozen phyllo dough, can make your sheets dry out if you don't work quickly an/or with a wet towel.

I was wondering if you could do anything to reverse this process. Is there a way to rehydrate phyllo sheets?

Best Answer

I think rehydrating evenly is going to be very dicey. Instead, when you first open a large pack, immediately separate it into smaller batches, wrapping each tightly in wax paper and then a zip-loc removing as much air as possible, and re-freezing those smaller packs. Now you won't have to thaw and refreeze any sheets more than once - just grab the number of smaller packs you need. This should keep them in better condition.