Dough – How to store no yeast dough


I need to store a no yeast dough (water, flour, butter, salt) for verenyky for about 40 hours.

What would be the best place: fridge or freezer?

Best Answer

I suppose we are talking about pâte brisée / salty pie crust or similar dough?

As 40 hours is scant 2 days and you are not using any ingredients that will spoil quickly, a fridge should suffice. Advantage: use right away w.o. thawing. Also avoids condensation from thawing, but propper wrapping should take care of that problem anyway.

My calculation: If you freeze the dough it'll need a couple of hours in the fridge to thaw, so assuming 2-4 h until frozen, 6-8 h to thaw (depending on shape): What difference makes 30 h at -18°C instead of 4°C?

I'm speaking from 30+ years of experience (we make a LOT of cookies here in SW Germany around Christmas). Neither my Mom nor I ever had mold problems after two days in the fridge.

One drawback though: If you prepare the dough and don't get around to baking it, the feezer would have been the better choice.

EDIT after clarification:
I guess we're talking something akin to pasta dough here? IMHO the same principles apply. I'd be a bit wary if you use eggs. Use fresh eggs or pasteurized, if you can get them.