Dough – Making dough fluffier


When I didn't have any bread in house I baked some dough of just flour and water.
I was quite pleased with the result but it was still a bit "compact".

If possible I'd like to make it more fluffy and absorbant.

Are there any easy things I can add to it to achieve this?
I know for actual bread I'll have to have to follow a bread recipe but I'm wondering how close I can get.

Best Answer

Just flour and water? Unless your goal is flatbread, like a tortilla, you are going to want to add some type of leavening. This can be fresh or freeze-dried yeast, or a starter culture. There are also "soda" breads that make use of baking soda and powder. Egg whites are also a leavener, though in a bread situation, probably not as effective.