Dough – Sourdough starter- should i start over


I am at day 10 of a new sourdough starter. I started using rye flour and all purpose flour but due to the COVID 19 pandemic I had to eventually only use rye flour because it is what was available. The starter isn't rising as much as I would expect.. usually it rises 1 or 2 centimeters, but it does bubble and seem active. When I start mixing it before feeding it seems like it smells like eggs. I feed it every 12 hours and keep it in a warm part of our home. I am not sure if I should start over (finally found unbleached all purpose flour!!) with an all purpose flour and rye flour mixture or if I should keep going.

Sourdough experts- please help!!!

Best Answer

Rye is fine for sourdough. It's actually the main motivator for sourdough since rye's rather sticky doughs take considerably worse to yeast as leavening than wheat doughs do. But while using sourdough is more relevant for raising rye, cultivating it works similarly well with wheat.