Potatoes Peeling – Efficient Method to Peel Raw Potatoes


I know already how I can peel cooked potatoes, e.g. by throwing into ice water. According to a german helpster entry, the shell will be easily removable just by "rubbing". But is there another "instant" method for peeling raw potatoes? Instant means, I don't want to just peel faster, as suggested in this question.

EDIT This German helpster entry I described above mentioned some efficient industry methods – which are unfortunately not very usable in a private sector. E.g. putting the potatoes in a natron solution/leach or putting them into a high steam/pressure environment.

EDIT2 Sorry for the confusion. I don't want them to boil/cook first; so i want just a raw peeled potato afterwards.

Best Answer

There are electrical devices using a tumbler:


(The German name is "Kartoffelschälmaschine" for anyone who wants to research it and doesn't like to read encoded URIs ;)

Interestingly, they are uncommon in the US judging by the amazon offers there- instead, the US knows a lot of electric versions of the "apple peeler/corer/slicer" design (which could probably peel a potato too if it was reasonably round, or a certain amount of waste is accepted).