Eggs – Are reddish egg whites safe to eat


5 minutes ago I cracked an egg and was surprised with an orange, reddish egg white. It has the color of light fish sauce. The chalazae is red. I would assume that the reddish color comes from the blood. The egg smells fine, no sulfurous smell. Before cracking the egg, the shell was intact. Is this egg safe to eat?

I know the rule "in doubt, throw it out" but I'm interested if the egg is still edible.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Intact and good-looking eggs are generally safe to eat -- any spoilage very quickly results in horrible smell. The thing you're seeing might actually be a very tiny remain of something related with embryo (there's a tiny red piece of embryo in all eggs, you just have to search a bit) or a colored piece of internal egg-white structure (I heard that grass- and mineral-rich food may cause coloring like that), just bigger for some reason.

Anyway, I'm regularly eating eggs like that since childhood and I'm still here. It's safe.

(PS. I never tried to drink anything like this uncooked, but there are many other reasons not to try that. :D)