Eggs – How to make a pie with no yolk


I had a great low fat recipe for a squash pie that had in it four eggs.
I tried to take only the egg-whites with no yolk but the pie didn't come out right.
It just didn't coke completely, it took about 2 hours till it was almost cooked (instead of 1 hour) and the inside wouldn't cook while the top was almost burnt. it didn't rise i.e. it was shallow in its height.
In addition to not putting the yolk in, I also forgot to preheat the stove.

Does anybody know how can I make the pie well without the yolk? Was this only a preheating the stove problem?

Best Answer

Since my wife is on a low-cholesterol diet, I often substitute egg whites for whole eggs in may recipes. I have never had the rising issue you describe; if anything, egg whites have more rising power than egg yolks. Think of a souffle; it's mostly egg whites.

So if your pie isn't rising, it's for some other reason. Given that you cooked it for 2 hours without it being completely done, I suspect that in addition to not pre-heating the oven your oven never really got up to the right temperature -- or you got the recipe wrong, or it's just a terrible recipe.