Eggs – Salt cured egg yolk storage life


Does anyone know long would salt cured salted egg yolks keep in the refrigerator?

I've seen a few articles including this one which notes that its good for about "3-4 weeks if not longer", though some claim that it's only good for about 2 weeks.

Is there anyone here who could clarify which one is correct?

Best Answer

It depends on how you will store them ( individually wrapped, in a plastic box, vacuum sealed ?)

It can also depend on how dry is your fridge.

It also depends on how dry they are.

I'd say 2 weeks max; some say 1 month or more.

The Egg farmers of Canada advocacy group doesn't even say.

Don't make couple of dozen of them if you don't intend to use them relatively quickly or have access to vacuum seal equipment.

IMO, it's easy to cure 3, 4 yolks at a time and use them in that time span.

Anecdotal, I've kept vacuum sealed yolks (each one in its own little vacuum bag) for a couple of months with not issues.

(speaking of which I should do some today)