Flavor – the source of the very strong flavour in some bad fats (or dairy products?) that only some people can taste


It's a very, very strong flavour (like hot chili peppers in potency and ability to linger).

It tastes nothing like any food I know – I've thought of it as kind of "chalky" (not sure why I know what chalk tastes like, maybe I ate some chalk as a child?).

It is very unpleasant and nauseating. I imagine no amount of willpower could keep down a mouthful of a food that has it (only managed to swallow small doses in company where it would be very embarassing to spit out food).

It seems to occur in fats, or maybe dairy products. I imagine it's some kind of contamination, maybe bacteria. I've tasted it in:

  • Blue cheese (don't think it's ever been absent the few times I've tried a bit)
  • The "creme" in little twinkie-style "swiss rolls" (occasionally)
  • Once in a home-made pizza (maybe in the cheese?)
  • Some indian sweets left out for too long (occasionally)

The weird thing is that often, I seem to be the only person that can taste it. This has often got me into trouble (I am not a fussy eater at all, and feel very embarrassed explaining I'm unable to eat something that everyone else thinks is fine).

Anyone have any idea what this flavour could be from?

I've wondered for years…

Added some interesting points suggested by answers so far

Best Answer

I don't think there's any dairy in twinkies or similar packaged items -- it's whipped fat, with sugar and flavorings.

But all of the items you mention contain fat, so it's possible that it's a product of rancidity.

I don't know if it's related to the supertasters stuff that bikeboy389 mentioned, but some people experience taste differently -- I can't stand bitter flavors (about 1/2 the items on the list mentioned, especially coffee, artificial sweeteners and all hopped beers), but I love sour; much more so than most other people. People also smell differently (eg, the issue with asparagus, although that one's an issue not just with sensing it), so it's possible that you're just more sensitive to taste/smells in general, or to a specific chemical compound than others.