Flavor – Why is the stock flavorless


I made stock last Sunday, which I intended to use as the base for homemade tonkotsu (pork broth) ramen. Accordingly, I used both chicken and pork (roughly equal amounts of chicken backs and pork hocks). I also added several cloves of garlic, a large leek, celery, carrots, and small knob of ginger.

I boiled the meat/bones briefly before straining and starting over with cold water (for clarity of finished stock), added the other ingredients, and brought to a boil. I then reduced to a simmer and skimmed the very small amount of scum from the surface. The stock simmered for about 8 hours before I strained it through a cloth.

The resulting stock is perfectly clear, with an excellent, thick mouthfeel and gelled nicely in the refrigerator. However, the stock also has very little flavor– even copious amounts of salt don't help much. Since my stock is by all other measures a success, I'm puzzled as to why it's so flavorless.

Where did I go wrong?

Best Answer

Couple notes or suggestions;

  1. Added in fat? Typically for ramen adding in a copious amount of finely chopped pork fat is a must. Usually boil a slab on top of bones for 4 hours and then chop and add. Serve with a side of lipitor.

  2. Where is the savory flavour or unami? You need to either cook some veggies/aromatics to get the Maillard reaction or cheat and add some MSG and/or a unami super boost (mushroom, marmite, anchoivies or other). Lots of techniques to get savory flavour; which I think is what you may be missing. soy sauce, or miso are also classic; pending what your end ramen is going to be.

Overall the technique is good; just missing the flavoring step; the base broth itself is not going to have a lot of flavour since you are not roasting; along with blanching step.

Blanching for a clear broth does remove a significant amount of flavour; but is more classical ramen approach.

Another trick you can use to extract more flavour is add a acid early to process; 1TBsp to 1/3cup or so of apple cider vinegar. My goto when making a thai sour chicken soup or some other white broth soup that will be loaded with lime and cilantro later. Drastic flavour change; so be-careful and test first.