Flour – How to choose the right kind of flour


I love to cook but I'm not too much into baking. My mom is currently visiting from overseas so there is more baking going on in the house. Unfortunately, she doesn't really know English so it's hard for her to evaluate different types of flour that are available in the supermarket. I got her the King Arthur All-Purpose the other day and she baked some rolls with it but said they didn't rise as much despite using baking powder.

I use flour mainly for making frying batter for fish as well as for roux when I cook stews.

I noticed that, in addition to the differentiation between bread and all-purpose, flours also differ in whether they are bleached vs non-bleached.

I would like to learn more about different kinds of flour and what makes them different and what the best kinds are for different uses.

Best Answer

Please see this question and the accepted answer. It has a great deal of information.

Without really knowing the reason why there were differences, I learned several years ago that there are most definitely major differences between brands. In my area, for most uses I buy Gold Medal. However, I will never use that for biscuits or rolls. They turn out way too heavy. For making biscuits and rolls I buy either White Lily or Snowflake.

Not sure where you are located, so I have no idea what brands may be available. This page gives some good information and has this chart that lists info for some brands/types of flour.

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