Flour – Storing Whole Wheat and Unbleached Flour


Can whole wheat and unbleached flours be stored in the same container instead of storing them separately?

I'd like to pre-mix my flours for all of my baking and store it that way. Since my diet consists mainly of whole wheat, whole grains, natural & organic foods….I don't use white flour by itself. And as I mentioned, whole wheat baking usually calls for some white flour because of the density.

Best Answer

Whole wheat flour has a lot of fat in it and will go rancid relatively quickly. It should be used promptly after it is ground or frozen for long term storage. Even if it will be used soon, keeping it cool and sealed from air and light is helpful.

There is no adverse effect from mixing flour types. Keep in mind that separately your white flour would keep much longer but your mix will only last as long as the wheat flour.