Mojito Recipe – How to Make Fizz-Free and Alcohol-Free Mojito


I want to make alcohol free and fizz free mojito. Is this possible? I don't mind carbonated water; but my family does not drink alcohol for religious reasons. We also avoid and have avoided fizzy sugar drinks for years due to harms. My family are just fizz paranoid so we are looking for some alternatives.

Can we make a mojito or something similar? My local takeway gets handfuls of strawberries and blends them up and then with carbonated water and fresh mint leaves serves them up and calls it a strawberry mojito.

Best Answer

Harms? Meh, that's silliness. You can make your own fizzy water if you're so inclined. Sodamakers.

If you really don't want fizzy, then just substitute still water in any of the recipes in a search for Virgin Mojitos. Choose recipes that use soda water, club soda or seltzer water, not ginger ale. Ginger ale adds flavor, you want recipes that stand without that flavor.

EDIT: Just to be clear; soda water, club soda or seltzer water are all just water, injected with carbon dioxide to make bubbles (carbonation). So by substituting regular water for soda water, club soda or seltzer water all you're losing is the "fizzy". (Club soda may have a tiny amount of something like baking soda to neutralize the decrease in PH caused by the carbonation, Slate gets further into it, but for all practical purposes, they are all just bubble water.)