Fruit – use freeze dried fruit in a Sangria mix


I want to make a few little gifts for some friends, and I had the idea of creating little bottles of all the things needed for different drinks. I was hoping that people would be able to hold on to these until they wanted to make them. So far I have mulled wine.

I want to include a recipe and the ingredients for a homemade Sangria. I was wondering if I could replace the normal fresh fruit normally found with freeze-dried fruit instead.

Any help or other ideas would be much appreciated!

Best Answer

It depends on the fruit you use and whether you mind exactly how the end result turns out! freeze dried normally means berries, but they will turn to mush as they rehydrate, which is fine if you put some in a glass and drink quickly, but not good if you want them in a jug to soak up all the wine.

From personal experience, I find frozen(rather than freeze dried) oranges, apples , lemons etc work well as they stay structured, but I'd always go for fresh berries.