Frying pan Teflon damage


I have a problem. Let's say I buy a frying pan for about 130 EUR. But after 5 months of using it 3 times a week, it looks like the photo. What am I doing wrong please ? (I never scratch the pan. I always wait until it's cold before washing it, I protect the Teflon with shoam)

Edited: to react to your comments, my habits are: preheat the pan for about 6 minutes on the biggest flame without oil – to prepare it for a steak. But i use it like this for about 20% of time. Is preheating damaging the Teflon? If so.. what material should i use?

enter image description here

Best Answer

These don't look like scratches to me, more like heat damage. You are either using it for the wrong tasks (e.g. steak), or using it improperly (e.g. preheating it), or the extremely frequent use is simply too much and tires the material.

Without knowing more about your cooking habits, we can't tell you what to change.

Edit: just realised you are using it 3 times a week, not 3 times a day. Scratch the last reason (too frequent use).