Furman’s Italian Style Tomatoes


My question is of a scientific nature in regards to the above product. My boyfriend has been given cans of this and every time he has used it, he has said that it tastes literally like nothing. Despite the addition of spices and herbs in copious amounts, it still tastes like nothing. I looked up this product online and found similar comments about it. My question is, by what process or addition does a manufacturer cause products to taste like nothing? I find this very curious indeed and was wondering if someone could help me out.

Best Answer

Italian style likely just means Roma (plum) tomatoes. It's a marketing ploy since there are lots of different types of tomatoes in Italy and no one 'style'.

Roma tomatoes (along with most other types) grown without proper plant nutrition, and limited sun can be especially bland if picked early as well. They don't have to add anything to make them bland. Keep in mind that tomatoes have a lot of water (like watermelons) and can easily end up bland if they're just given chemical fertilizer and water.

Try different brands. Even San Marzanos can be fake (about 2/3 of the export is fake) but they'll still taste better.