Guide to traditional culinary knives by cuisine


I went to a nearby supermarket that caters to a Spanish South American and Brazilian/Portuguese clientele. In addition to their excellent onsite fishmonger and butcher, the cookware section had a broad array of culinary knives in patterns I had never seen before. I know about the various patterns of French and German knives, and about the wide array of Japanese knives and their various uses, and about the Chinese chef's cleaver, and about the Indian bonti (with and without coconut scrapers) and chakku and gandasa…

Is there a guide to traditional culinary cutlery patterns? I can recognize a number of Thai knives, but I don't have names for them. Google is failing me. Help?

Knife nerd in trouble!

Best Answer

A good start is probably wikipedia: There you will see the main types of knives and their name. If you recognize one, I'd suggest you to google it. I haven't found a comprehensive guide for all of them.

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