Home outdoor cooking apparatus for high heat cooking (wok, stir fry)


I am a chef over in Western Australia and love to cook outdoors in my spare time as we certainly have the weather for it. For Asian cooking (stir fried, in a wok) I'm looking for equipment, but there seems to be no proper market in this field for home use.

There are what is call the Rambo burners which seem excellent , but they do not have a proper housing kit for stylish outdoor entertainment.

Asian charcoal cookers look good but are not available for purchase here.

Is there a home outdoor cooking apparatus capable of high heat cooking (specifically for wok cooking) which is perfect for backyard entertaining??

Best Answer

I don't know what's available in Australia, but in the US they market high-output outdoor burners for deep-frying turkeys. This one is marketed as 200,000 BTU, twice the output of the ones often used in Chinese restaurants. (This $1,000 restaurant wok is marketed as 90,000 BTU.)

Most outdoor turkey fryers are marketed as 60,000 BTU, which will probably work reasonably well. They are decidedly not to be used indoors; YouTube has many videos of people setting their houses on fire.

Getting one in Australia may be a challenge, but they're very common in the US, and many kitchen stores and (oddly) hardware stores. I imagine you could have one shipped, though I'd verify that your propane tanks are compatible.