How much does a cup of hazelnuts weigh


I need to purchase 1.5 cups of hazelnuts for a recipe I want to make but they’re sold by weight not volume. Approximately how much does a cup of them weigh? I would prefer to purchase as close to what I need as possible since I don’t really have a use for the left overs.


The nuts are sold whole, but my recipe calls for them chopped.

Best Answer

Well 1.5 cups is volumetric so the weight will depend on how tightly packed that cup is, if they are chopped, etc. On average though, 1.5 cups of chopped hazelnuts is about 6.08 oz (172 g) according to the USDA's averages. You can check the USDA's National Nutrient Database page for hazelnuts if you want to see estimated weights for 1.5 cups of whole, chopped, or ground hazelnuts.