Blueberries – How to Acquire and Use Sour Blueberries


If I'm specifically looking for sour blueberries, what can I do to best avoid the sweet ones?

If buying from the store, do I just look for berries that are more red?
Perhaps there is a particular time of year when they'll be more sour?

Best Answer

I too love sour blueberries. I usually shake the punnet gently in the shop, and if they 'rattle' like they're hard, they will often be fairly sour. If they just thud around quietly, they are probably ripe and sweet.

The same theory can be applied to picking blueberries - go for the firmer ones.

In the UK, the time of year that is best for sourness is around May/Early June for British-grown blueberries. Slightly earlier for Polish or Spanish berries (I find Polish are often the best - tart but full of flavour)