How to best zest a citrus fruit that was already halved and squeezed


Zesting a citrus fruit is pretty straightforward with the fruit intact, but sometimes it happens to me that I absent-mindedly halve and squeeze the fruit and then remember that I wanted to zest it before.

What is the best way to do zest a citrus fruit that has already been halved and squeezed?
I am using a classical zester and aspire stripes of zest.

What I considered so far:

  • I tried to halve the skin again, so I can flatten each quarter on a cutting board to hold the skin in place while zesting it. This has two drawbacks:

    • Zesting close to a cut edge is more difficult or less efficient and by cutting the skin yet again I increase this.
    • I inevitably squeeze out more juice, which then mixes with the zests. While this is no big issue taste-wise, the zests clump together and are more difficult to scatter.
  • I considered but have not tried yet to put the skin on the reamer I used to squeezing, but then I expect that I lack a third hand needed for this.

Best Answer

Put it pulp side down on a cutting board or plate, stick a fork in it to pin it down and hold it still while you zest in a semicircle. You can pause and spin it, spiraling in towards the center to get the longest bits of zest.