Butter Making – How to Break an Emulsion When Making Carotene Butter?


I am making carotene butter by mixing clarified butter and carrot juice.

The idea is that I now need to separate the carotene infused butter from the juice. The only problem being that they are very well emulsified together.

I tried blending it more until the heat and friction would break it, but that has not happened, even after more than 5 minutes of blending on high (my blender's limit.
I tried heating the liquid to a boil but this did nothing either.
Lastly, I tried decanting it, but it barely separates even after a long time.

How can I break the emulsion?

Best Answer

Chill it.

The butter will solidify and upon remelting the emulsion will be broken.

I've never had a butter emulsion not break after chilling.