How to create a chicken substitute


How can I create a homemade product with that has the texture, flavor, and cooking properties of chicken, but is vegetarian (or vegan)?

I'm inspired by the Lightlife, the Sipz orange "chicken", and Veggie Grill "burgers" but am looking for something more flexible that I can make myself.

I'm not looking for a specific recipe, but rather general techniques and ingredients to use as a starting point.

Best Answer

There are a few recipes on the Vegan Dad blog for veggie chicken from scratch:

Chicken-flavored vegetarian broth is usually a key ingredient. You can find a lot of them on Amazon, and sometimes in health food stores. I usually use Edward and Son's Not Chick'n bouillon cubes, just because they sell them in a store on my block.

There's also a company called eco-cuisine that sells mixes, but I haven't tried them.

For other pre-made options May Wah in NYC supplies meat substitutes to a ton of vegan restaurants, and Gardein has some great veggie chick'n scallopini cutlets you can use for a lot of recipes.