How to efficiently shred a lot of cabbage


I'm growing cabbages in my garden this year and would like to make lots of sauerkraut, to eat and to give as gifts. Gallons of it.

Is there an efficient way to slice or shred a dozen cabbages at a time? Using a grater for that much cabbage is going to destroy my arms.

I would buy a one-purpose gadget or an attachment for my Kitchenaid mixer that didn't cost more than ~$60 if that's the right way to proceed.

Best Answer

There is a kraut cutter, a wooden board about 2 ft long with a diagonal blade. We used all the time when I was a child. We laid it on a large pot. You cut heads of cabbage in half and push it over the blade flat side down. Try google or an old fashioned hard ware.

kraut cutter