How to grind teff? (without a grain mill)


One of the international groceries near me stopped selling smaller (~2lb / 1kg) bags of teff flour**. All that that they have now is 25lb bags. All of the other ones that I frequent are latin or asian, and just don't carry teff.

Bob's Red Mill sells teff in small (24oz) packages, which I can get in some of the 'organic' type grocery stores, but it's whole.

I know that grain mills exist, but I'd prefer not to buy a new appliance just for a 'let me play around in the kitchen with a new recipe' type situation. (in this case, injera)

As the grains are so tiny, would coffee grinders (blade or burr) even work for it? Is there some other common kitchen appliance that would work? Or would I have to spend some time with a mortar and pestle?

** as the bags were self-labeled like how they sell other bagged bulk foods, it's possible that they just had a damaged bag, and found a way to cut their losses, and it just took them a while to sell it all, as it was only a month or two from when I noticed it 'til it was gone.

Best Answer

I accidentally bought teff instead of teff flour and used my Nutribullet to grind it up. Worked great! Quick, as well.