Buckwheat – How to Make Buckwheat Pancakes Without Non-Stick Cookware?


Recently I tried to make buckwheat pancakes, but failed miserably. I tried heating the stainless steel pan (about 12" in diameter) for a few seconds on medium heat, then I applied some safflower oil (about two teaspoons). When I poured the mixture on the heated pan, it immediately stuck…So I couldn't even get past the "flip the pancake" part of the instructions.

Is it possible to make pancakes still? If so, how?

Best Answer

"For a few seconds", if literal, is the problem. You want to make sure that the pan is well heated before adding your batter.

My mom's test was to sprinkle some water on the pan, and see if the droplets danced around. Leidenfrost effect.

As you're using quite a bit of oil, you can also look for the shimmering that will happen just before the oil starts to smoke as an indication of a well-heated pan.