I have a surplus of matzo this year thanks to Costco, and I assume I can crank out my own matzo meal and matzo farfel at home from whole matzo.
Has anyone done this? Should I just put the matzo in a food processor to make the matzo meal until it looks right?
What about the matzo farfel? Should I just smash up whole matzo with a meat tenderizing mallet in a bag or something?
Best Answer
According to Sassy Radish, yes, you can make your own matzo meal by the obvious method of putting some crumbled matzo sheets into the food processor. She notes that you will get about 1/2 cup from two sheets.
Farfel can be made simply by breaking the matzo into appropriately sized pieces. This site explains that it is easiest to do it by hand to get the uniform size. About.com's Kosher Food section even says that is all farfel is: broken up matzo.