How to make onion tomato paste taste more punchy


I batch pan-fried a paste of onions and tomatoes for using them in future dishes.

I love the flavour of garlicy onions and tomatoes! How can I make their flavour stronger?

I believe restaurants for all kinds of cuisines make use of it.

This is how I make them right now:

I semi-grind onions, garlic and tomatoes in the ratio of 1 : (handful of garlic) : 1.

Then I roast them on the pan with a little oil starting with onions + garlic, and then once they're translucent adding tomatoes + salt. Next I roast it on a simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

I would like to make the onion and tomato flavour a lot more punchy. How can I achieve this?

Best Answer

Raw is punchy!

Reserve some of your crushed garlic and onion mix. Mince it fine. Then add it at the end. Cooking brings out some allium flavors and attenuates others. If your figure out the raw punch is what you are looking for, experiment with the ratio of cooked to raw, or experiment with just raw onions or just raw garlic.

Or you could consider bringing in different members of onion / garlic family which could also give your mix different depth. For example some people find raw green onions or raw sweet Vidalia onions more palatable than raw yellow onions / garlic. Shallots are similar to garlic but less pungent and if raw garlic is too much raw shallots might work.

On the tomato end I agree with @myklbykl as regards additions. Worcestershire sauce is one I use. Tomato paste in a small quantity can add more tomato punch. Anchovy paste is available in tubes and can be good for this sort of thing.