How to make shelf stable legume dishes in vacuum bags


how do I make shelf stable cooked legumes in vacuum sealed bags at home?

Best Answer

If you want to shelf store the cooked legumes in plastic, you need to buy boilable pouches

They are a great space saver, and somewhat environmentally friendly as the oil/energy required to make one glass preserving jar can make 50 to 100 of these bags. And how many preserving jars survive 50 times without breaking!

You will find plenty of sources on the Internet, typical prices $50 to $200 per 1000

The process varies from each bag supplier and vacuum system, but is similar to normal home preserving

If you get the foil lined (light proof) pouches they will preserve food for many years

Example suppliers caspak pacrite

boiling vacuum pouch

This process is popular in NZ and AU, but as I have just discovered, not so in the USA? So it maybe easier to order from here

The energy, weight, and space saving of plastic pouches is significant