How to make spaghetti stick together


I am a person that likes spaghetti that is stuck together, al dente, so it's nice and chewy.

I haven't been able to find any advice on how to cook spaghetti so that it sticks together, but rather the contrary, as it seems most people would prefer spaghetti that is separated.

So, logically, I did exactly the opposite of what these sources recommended so that it would stick together (not stirring, not letting it boil so much that it separates itself), which seems to work well, but not as much as I would like it to. Some of it sticks together, but not all of it.

Is there a way I could make spaghetti such that all of it would stick together ALL the time? Like just one big clump?

Best Answer

Easy....cook per the package instruction, with no oil in water. Drain well through a strainer. Allow to sit in the strainer or in a bowl long enough to allow the moisture to flash off. Your pasta will be sticky and clumpy. To further enhance the effect, refrigerate. Saucing or oil will separate the strands, If you like to eat it that way, there are recipes for using leftover spaghetti, and cooking it with egg, that results in a sort of pasta fritatta. You might enjoy that as well.