How to perfectly separate hemp hearts from hemp seeds


I often buy shelled hemp seeds, but there is still a lot of hull in the bought
product. No manufacturer sell hemp seeds perfectly shelled (only hemp hearts).
You can see the typical product on the picture.

enter image description here

Could you recommend some home-made easy method how to filter (or separate) the hemp hearts (white on the picture) from the hemp hulls (green and black on the picture)?

Best Answer

Dry? If so, rolling down an inclined plane, such as a big handheld cutting board into a washing tub should work. The rounder seeds will roll, while the husks remain stuck. Pour in a thin steady stream. Broken seeds will likely still roll, as they've still got bounce to them, while the hulls do not.

Wet? Stirred flotation is likely your best option. Hulls have a larger surface area to mass ratio, so you can stir them right over the sides of a pot with water running into it.

Neither method will give you 100%. To approach that, you need to repeat the process.