How to Prepare Chickpea Purée from a Can


I got a can of "chickpea purée with sesame paste" (though the English name on the can seems to be "chickpeas with sesame purée"), produced by Baktat, as a gift. It is this product.

The can specifies the ingredients in various languages, but fails to provide any preparation instructions. How can I prepare it?

Do I have to cook it, or fry it (as is possible with potato purée)? For how long exactly/until what state is reached? Do I have to add anything, or will it dissolve in water? Can I microwave it instead?

There are loads of online recipes to create your own chickpea purée, but that's not what I'm looking for; I'm looking for preparation instructions specifically for the indicated (or a comparable) product.

Best Answer

Chickpea puree with sesame paste would be hummus. Hummus can be served warm or cold, so you could serve it straight out of the can if you wanted. To warm it up, I'd avoid heating it with any kind of direct heat, but it should be fine microwaved briefly. When it is served warm, it's not hot by any means, so a gentle heating is all that's needed.