Nut Preparation – Quick Shelling Techniques for Pine Nuts


I recently acquired about a pound of raw pine nuts. They were collected and are smaller on average than the pine nuts I can buy.

They are a pain to shell. The shells don't come away easily and since they are small there is a lot of work to do for a small reward.

What is the best way to shell these?
Should I roast them in their shells first?

Best Answer

This is how you can do it:

  1. Place your nuts into a super-strong plastic food storage bag and close it securely after squeezing out all air from the inside.
  2. Put the bag flat on a hard surface like kitchen counter. Starting from the bottom of the bag, roll a rolling pin over the bag upwards and back.
  3. Repeat untill the shells crack.
  4. Take out the nuts and remove any remaining shells.