How to remove the greasiness from the ice cream


I am using 35% whole cream and 3.25% whole milk to make my home made ice cream and it leaves a greasy aftertaste. How can I improve this?

  • glucose de 46,
  • skim milk powder
  • modified cornstarch
  • sugar
  • cream cheese
  • 35% cream
  • 3.25 milk

Best Answer

I'd find a recipe without cream cheese.

You can make ice cream with all the other ingredients without it being greasy, assuming "glucose de 46" is just glucose. Cream cheese can be greasy, though, so it's almost certainly the culprit. (I suppose you should also check that you're using the right kind, i.e. not using full-fat when the recipe calls for low-fat.)

There's not really a lot of point trying to modify the existing recipe to remove it; you'd have to look at other recipes to get the right ratios anyway, so you might as well just make one of those other recipes.