How to you pre-bake coca (pizza)


The Spanish coca is related to the pizza, so I guess the question can apply for both.

Normally I bake it in about 20 minute, should I take it out after 10 minute or later or sooner?

If I freeze it, can it be popped straight into the oven or should it be thawed first?

Edit: I've posted an answer below. Still wondering if you can take the pizza out of the freezer, put the filling on and pop it straight into the oven…

Best Answer

Did this for a lunch-rush special, prebaking individual pizzas (not thin-crust) in a slower oven with steam from a lg pan of water below.

Crusts were not at all brown nor crisp. Mushrooms cheese and other quick-cooking toppings needed no precooking.

A final assembled 5min high-heat crisping up was all that was needed.

I froze extra crusts but thawed them before use so no telling if freezer-to-oven is doable.