I just made ice cream. Unfortunately, it became gritty in the end result. What is a way to make use out of it


I just made vanilla ice cream with my ice cream machine. The taste was amazing, however, the texture was sandy and gritty. I made a awful lot, and I do not want to dump the ice cream. How am I going to make it creamy, or use the ice cream for something else?

Best Answer

Given all of the advice so far, and as you said that you started with a rather large batch, I might try a few things. I would recommend trying a small-ish portion at a time, so you don't ruin the whole batch:

  1. Soften the ice cream slightly, then put it through a food processor to see if you can make it less gritty, then re-freeze. (or possibly don't re-freeze, if it has a soft-serve like consistency)

  2. Soften the ice cream slightly, then mix in other ingredients to add texture to the ice cream to try to hide the grittiness. Nuts, cookie or pretzel bits, or anything else that's crunchy. You could also make an 'ice cream pie', but you'd want a rather thin layer of ice cream so it's not so obvious that it's not cream. (maybe something like this

  3. Scrape it with a fork, and tell people it's a granita. (or, actually make a fruit granita, and then serve it layered with granita / scraped ice cream / etc.)

  4. Melt it down, add starch and cook into a pudding, then re-freeze. (frozen pudding also has a strange texture that isn't quite ice-cream like).

  5. Melt it, add some more eggs, then use it as the custard for french toast or bread pudding.