Is it normal for potatoes to look like they are ‘shedding’


I bought potatoes today in a different store then I normally do. When I came home I saw that the potatoes look like they are 'shedding', and I can peel of pieces of skin. Is this normal for some kind of potatoes? I'm not familiar with this with the potatoes I normally buy.
They feel and smell normal. Also they have normal color, no 'bad' spots and when cutting one in half it also looks fine.
Are this potatoes just an other kind then I'm used to, or is there something wrong with it?
I bought 'regular' waxy potatoes from some supermarket.


Best Answer

This is perfectly normal for waxy potatoes; their skins are soft and easily scraped off, especially if freshly harvested and handled roughly. I saw it just the other day with a batch of new potatoes fresh from the CSA. The potatoes were just fine.

If you see this with thick-skinned, starchy potatoes it may be a sign of fungus, especially if accompanied by dried out or roughened patches. Green colors in the peel are also a problem, because they indicate exposure to light and an elevated level of the toxin solanine. Solanine can cause upset digestion and headaches if consumed in quantity. Don't eat potatoes that are very green.