Aluminum Foil – Is the Aluminum Foil Usable in this Condition?


As the title says, is the aluminium foil still usable in this condition?

If you notice, there's a very obvious white portion in the center of the aluminum foil and the entire roll is like that. Usually when I buy it from the store, it is pure silver without the white line. However when I keep it for some time, this white line appears which appears to me that the foil could be "spoilt"?

Aluminium foil with white stripe

May I also ask what is the name of the condition of this aluminum foil and what causes it to be like this.

Best Answer

That's just aluminium oxide (Al2O3) and it's harmless as:

  • it's insoluble in water
  • it's nearly insoluble in alcohol.
  • is very hard (Basically the same material as a ruby or a sapphire)
  • it's chemically nearly inert
  • Is basically the same substance as the non-shiny side of the Aluminium foil

So it's definitely useable for all intents and purposes. (including cooking ;-) )