Is this a sneeze guard


I'm about to start selling my baked goods at a farmers market, and I want to purchase a clear, portable, acrylic sneeze guard – like that:
enter image description here

The problem is, I can't find anywhere in the US/Canada that sells them. They are very common in the UK and Australia, but nowhere to be found here. I think I must have the wrong name.

Is somebody aware of a seller that has them, or if they go under a different name? I spent hours browsing the internet but can't find anything.

Best Answer

What you are looking for is a bent acrylic sheet, may be sold as perspex or more common in the us Lucite which are just brand names of acrylic. Doing a google search for "bent acrylic sneeze guard" brought up a wealth of choices. Another term I've seen are Sneeze Screen. Ebay is a good place to start, others are Manhattan Display and Hubert.

These aren't hard to make with the right equipment, many acrylic supply shops will have an acrylic bender just for this sort of thing, you might be able to get them custom made to your spec locally.

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