Low tyramine substitute for tamari


Help replacing miso and tamari for health reasons

I am a non-junk-food-vegan for health reasons. Technically I'm "whole foods plant based" (WFPB). It basically means I stay away from animal products and processed foods (like oils and sugars). When our family made this change, some of us experienced remission of serious conditions (like: hypothyroidism, anemia, angina with cardiovascular disease, and one is just beginning to fight diabetes and obesity with the lifestyle. So far so good.–You go Sis!)

But one health problem I had remained: headaches. Then I discovered I had a sensitivity to tyramine. Poof! Headaches and brain fog gone! But, avoiding tyramine has pushed me to avoid nuts, seeds and anything aged. Aged ingredients, like many cheeses, vinegar, tofu, dried fruit, are very high tyramine.

I've been able to substitute for some high tyramine items:

allspice for nutmeg

lemon juice for vinegar (ok in small amounts)

butternut squash for sweet potatoes

very fresh bananas for fully ripe bananas

blended cannellini beans for tofu (in sauces)

BUT… many of the recipes I have call for aged ingredients to provide that awesome savory/umami taste. (Tamari and miso for example.)

I have considered substituting Redmond's Real Sea Salt and liquid smoke for tamari.

Is there another (non-nut-based) seasoning that would help?

NOTA BENE: I know I haven't said what I am using the tamari for. I'm just looking for some ideas to keep on hand. Tamari and miso would usually be added to bean soups, mushroom gravies, dry-sautéed onions, hummus, or even a savory oatmeal with spinach. (Scrumptious–who knew!)

Best Answer

As unpalatable as it might sound: Pure MSG would be umami with the least added compounds :) A very glutamate-rich (but natural) broth can be made from kombu seaweed (but keep in mind it can have an obscene amount of iodine, which could be relevant in your case.)

Distilled vinegars (or non-brewed condiment) will likely contain less amines or amino acids.