Cleaning Syrup – Lyle’s Golden Syrup Tin Design and Cleaning Tips


Golden Syrup Tin

Lyle's Golden Syrup has a distinctive lid design, in which the top of the tin has a lip. This inevitably fills with syrup and makes the whole thing stickier than it needs to be. Is there a reason for this design? My first thought was that it was to "catch" syrup, but after using the stuff a lot recently I'm convinced it does more harm than good.

Also, any tips on cleaning the tin/lip? I found a damp paper towel works ok but it's probably not efficient, I also suspect that something is wrong if I'm needing to clean packaging like this at all.

Best Answer

The secret is not to get the lip of the tin dirty. Specifically, do not pour the Golden Syrup out of the tin. Use a spoon or a knife to get out the amount you need. Even if you need to fill a spoon ten times that is quicker than pouring and then having to clean the lip.

In some parts of the world it is sold in jars. The glass threads of the screw lid present much the same cleaning problem though.

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